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Where is a Mathematician Work ?

Math Work

A pharmacist is a person whose job it is to deliver medicines to patients according to prescriptions from doctors or other medical practitioners and give explanations how the medicines should be consumed. A pharmacist also monitors the patients progress to make sure of the effectiveness and safety of the medication. A pharmacist must understand the proper use of drugs, their side effects as well as their compositions, including their chemical compositions and physical and biological characteristics.
A pharmacist must also be able to mix formulations for tablets and other solutions according to specific requirement. Most pharmacists work at drug stores or pharmacies that are located in hospitals, clinics, and mental health institutions. Some pharmacists work direcly with people providing special services to help patients overcome their health problems such as diabetes, asthma, smoking habit or high-blood pressure. A pharmacist carries out many calculations that relate to drug dosage and concentrations. The calculations are carried out to test a drug's effectiveness through bio-availability tests. Bio-availability can be defined as the rate and relative amount of a drug that reaches the blood circulation system. The effectiveness of a drug can be seen from the bio-availability test, in term of how many active substances have been absorbed into the blood circulation system and how fast they have been abrorbed. In this respect the phamacist needs to rely on the differential theory to determine the rate of absorption of the drugs by the body. One benefit of bio-availablity is the ability to know the amout of the drug and the time needed by the drug to be absorbed by the body.


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