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Introduction to GeoGebra

Introduction: What is GeoGebra and How Does It Work?

Background Information About GeoGebra

GeoGebra is dynamic mathematics software for schools that joins geometry, algebra, and calculus.
On the one hand, GeoGebra is an interactive geometry system. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, and conic sections as well as functions while changing them dynamically afterwards.
On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly. Thus, GeoGebra has the ability to deal with variables for numbers, vectors, and points. It finds derivatives and integrals of functions and offers commands like Root or Vertex.
These two views are characteristic of GeoGebra: an expression in the algebra window corresponds to an object in the geometry window and vice versa

GeoGebra’s User Interface

GeoGebra’s user interface consists of a graphics window and an algebra window. On the one hand you can operate the provided geometry tools with the mouse in order to create geometric constructions on the drawing pad of the graphics window. On the other hand, you can directly enter algebraic input, commands, and functions into the input field by using the keyboard. While the graphical representation of all objects is displayed in the graphics window, their algebraic numeric representation is shown in the algebra window.

The user interface of GeoGebra is flexible and can be adapted to the needs of your students. If you want to use GeoGebra in early middle school, you might want to hide the algebra window, input field, and coordinate axes and just work with the drawing pad and geometry tools. Later on, you might want to introduce the coordinate system using a grid to facilitate working with integer coordinates. In high school, you might want to use algebraic input in order to guide your students through algebra on into calculus.

Basic Use of Tools

  • Activate a tool by clicking on the button showing the corresponding icon.
  • Open a toolbox by clicking on the lower part of a button and select another tool from this toolbox.           
    : You don’t have to open the toolbox every time you want to select a tool. If the icon of the desired tool is already shown on the button it can be activated directly.      
    : Toolboxes contain similar tools or tools that generate the same type of new object.
  • Check the toolbar help in order to find out which tool is currently activated and how to operate it.


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